
Lower Quality of Education

2023.10.20 • Jon Guerin

American Cultural Revolution

Education Series

Lower Quality of Education

The quality of education is going down as Critical Pedagogy and prioritizing moral and political indoctrination into Critical Consciousness has become more and more prevalent in education. The US report card shows long term declines in math and reading, ACT scores have been dropping for years, grades are being inflated, and standards are being lowered or dropped. Schools are focused on achieving equity, meaning equal outcomes by identity group, because equity is a core value in the moral and political worldview of Critical Consciousness. However, equity is achieved by lowering quality. Equity equalizes downward. The quality of education is going down, because the primary purpose of education is moral and political indoctrination into Critical Consciousness as part of the ongoing American Cultural Revolution.

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  • "Why 65 Percent of Fourth Graders Can’t Really Read", The Free Press, 11 February 2023,
  • Pitofsky, Marina. "'A worrisome trend': ACT scores continue to decline, dropping to lowest levels in 30 years", USA Today, 12 October 2022,
  • “The truth is that, for a variety of reasons, professors today commonly make no distinctions between mediocre and excellent student performance and are doing so from Harvard to CSU-San Bernardino.”
    Rojstaczer, Stuart. "Grade Inflation at American Colleges and Universities", Grade Inflation, 29 March 2016,
  • "Examining the academic transcripts of high school graduates in the 18-year period from 1998 to 2016, they found that the average grade point average (GPA) rose from 3.27 to 3.38, even as the average SAT score dropped. Actually, they said, the upward creep is most pronounced in schools with large numbers of white, wealthy students. And its especially noticeable in private schools, where the rate of inflation was about three times higher than in public schools."
    Toppo, Greg. "A's are on the rise in report cards, but SAT scores struggle", USA Today, 17 July 2017,
  • "Well-known chemistry professor fired due to student petition."
    "From Walker’s perspective, organic chemistry is passable, but students must apply themselves. She believes that it is a possibility that students could fail the course because of the professor, but she does not think that this has occurred at Guilford."
    Dearman, Tyler. "NYU students failing organic chemistry", The Guilfordian, 14 October 2022,